Windows 10 Pro Super MINI 32 Bits PT BR torrent download

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Windows 10 Pro Super MINI 32 Bits PT BR


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Windows 10 Pro Super MINI from Gleison Lima


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Windows 10 Pro Super MINI from Gleison Lima

Professional. Home. Education and Company 32/64 Juntos

BitTorrent client 39 5 Torrent vote


Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable – DeGun TPB.rar baixar torrent

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Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable - DeGun TPB.rar


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Windows 10 Pro
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Ativação digital para Windows 10 – janeiro de 2021

O ativador do Windows 10 mais simples poderoso que pode ativar qualquer versão do Windows com um único clique.

É 100% gratuito livre de vírus de um conhecido desenvolvedor Ratiborus.

(Apenas Windows Defender pode ser irritante atraente)

Não requer instalação pode funcionar com um cartão de memória.

HWID GEN (também conhecido como Hwidgen) é uma ferramenta de criação de licença digital que não requer ativação ou atualização do KMS desenvolvida por MD1 (My Digital Life) s1ave77 (atualização de uma instalação mais antiga do Windows para uma versão mais recente do Windows). Ative todas as versões / versões do Windows 10 com uma licença digital permanente (incluindo versões VL). Além disso, processo de ativação é simples, não afeta os arquivos do sistema não usa chaves de ativação esquecidas ou roubadas.

HWID GEN é escrito na linguagem de script AutoHotkey (o nome .mk3 significa extensão AutoHotkey), incluindo um arquivo (você pode extraí-lo do padrão ISO oficial do Windows 10) um arquivo de código aberto no GitHub (um arquivo EXE compilado). Portanto, você pode concluir todo processo de ativação manualmente. Ele explora uma vulnerabilidade na Microsoft para comprometer registro do Windows para atingir objetivo de ativação em conjunto com princípio de migração WannaCry (ransomware criptomoeda) Adylkuzz mais habilidoso modesto (um malware usado para extrair criptomoeda) que usa Windows atacar. Aliás, acho que autor de Adylkuzza é mais inteligente previdente. Em contraste, WannaCry é como uma multidão inútil!

// Versões com suporte do Windows 10 //

Nuvem (N)

Core (casa) (N)

Core (por país)

Core (um idioma) (N)

Profissional (N)

Treinamento vocacional (N)

Estação de trabalho profissional (N)

Educação (N)

Empresa (N)

Empresa S (N)

Empresa S (N) 2015

Empresa S (N) 2016

Padrão do servidor (núcleo) (N)

Núcleo central do servidor) (N)

Solução de servidor (núcleo) (N)

// Respostas //

A ferramenta realiza várias verificações do sistema pode demorar um pouco antes de aparecer (dependendo das especificações do sistema), não há necessidade de pânico, espere um momento

Se uma versão de licença de volume for instalada do VLSC ou MVS Business ISO, você deve inserir a chave padrão de varejo / OEM para restaurar a ativação

// Aviso //

Este ativador pode ser relatado incorretamente como uma ameaça: Win32: Ameaça de malware de alto risco. Use uma varredura completa confiável com VirusTotal.

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. :::: | —————————————- | :::.

. :::: | _______________________________________________ |.

BitTorrent client 17 0 Torrent vote


Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64bit Pre-activated michaelchessman upl Torrent

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Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64bit Pre-activated michaelchessman upl

Those instructions missing from this obtained ISO file can be crucial to success.

installation and subsequent use of the product as follows:

(Automatic file updates from Microsoft are also good)

Burn the isophile to a blank DVD5 disc with your DVD burner drive and

a program like PowerISO (available in a separate torrent download)

create a bootable installation disk.

During Windows installation, you sometimes / even often see an annoying

installation procedure message in Windows operating system

programs that specify the hard drive on which you want to install Windows

“cannot be used with Windows” (because it is partitioned with

MBR or GPT – both variants used) when appropriate

just tell him to switch from one type to another

depending on what is needed, the partition type is fine.


When this happens, just open the command prompt in

the installation screen at start (shift F10) and type the following:


part of the disc

disk list

select disk 0 (if it is the correct disk number)

clean (which erases what’s on the disk – Windows often)

won’t continue without the CLEAN command – say you can’t convert

when using this command – which you say not to use by the way)

convert MBR (or convert GPT) this is the last command

to convert to the type of partition format that Windows needs

for the specific installation you are doing.


If the CLEAN command is not right for you (for example, when you

If you want to keep some data on your hard drive, use a program like EASUS

– can also be downloaded from torrent sites) to convert partition

type and so on before installing this copy of Windows.


Michael Rizzo Chess Piece

Former Database Programmer – Microsoft Foxpro.

BitTorrent client 26 1 Torrent vote


Activator CMD Windows 10 and Office 2019 – March 2019 Torrent Download

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Activator CMD Windows 10 and Office 2019 - March 2019

Windows 10 and CMD Activator Office – March 2019

Yes! What is in this stream:

– – Change Office 2019/2016/365 from Retail to Bulk

– C2R-Retail2Volume-2013 ++. 7z – Change Office 2013 from Retail to Volume

– – Launch Windows 7/8/10

Activate Windows Server 2008R2 / 2012 / 2012R2 / 2016/2019

Activate the Volume Office 2010/2013/2016/2019


See detailed information on any versions / versions of Windows and Office that may / may not be activated by this tool.


– disable all antivirus software

– remove all 3 packages using another winrar extraction device

– optional: if you have set up a retail office 2019/2016, run from

– optional: if you have started office retail 2013, run from C2R-Retail2Volume-2013 ++.

– run from Windows and / or Office activation

– finish.

Released in March 2019 by abbodi1406 jam.

BitTorrent client 45 0 Torrent vote


BurnAware Professional Premium 14 Download

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BurnAware Professional Premium 14

BurnAware is a powerful CD, DVD and BD solution that allows users who need advanced control over all conditions of the burning process to use multiple burners to process multimedia information and create fast disk-to-disk copies. It is a solid software that helps you handle your daily fire tasks faster and more efficiently. With the software, users can create data recorders (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, DVD and DVD-CDs) and multimedia recordings (audio CD, MP3 recordings and DVD-Video recorders). BurnAware also helps you create and burn ISO images (ISO and CUE / BIN image files are supported), delete rewritten records, burn multisession records, and even extract special files from disc sessions and songs from audio CDs.
The app’s simple and intuitive look makes even beginners feel comfortable with the software.


Save copies or copy your files to CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs.

It supports CD-R / RW, DVD-R / RW, DVD + R / RW, BD-R / RE and DVD-RAM media, as well as top layer media.

Supports UDF (Universal Disc Format), Bridge and ISO9660 file systems, as well as Joliet Unicode extensions.

Create a bootable CD or DVD. Use it as a very large hard drive for recovery reasons.

El Torito design support with advanced options: scope type, sector, platform, loading section and start message.

Use multisession records. Slides can be used for continuous recording, as new data will be fully available along with data previously recorded.


Create audio CDs. Play the CD on your traditional CD player or car stereo.

Supports audio formats of MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, M4A, AAC and FLAC and M3U playlists.

Supports title and track CD text, as well as Unicode.

Supports recordings and recording methods for Track-at-once and Disc-at-once.

Create MP3 CDs and DVDs. Supports MP3 and WMA audio formats.

Create DVD video. Play these DVDs with your regular DVD player, PlayStation or Xbox. Supports DVD padding.

Slide photos:

Burn images from the hard disk. Create a CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc from a disc image file. Supports ISO and CUE / BIN image files.

Make standard ISOs or boots. Save a copy or copy your files to an ISO image file. It supports different file systems and ISO standards.

Copy the disc to the ISO image. This feature can be used to save copies as well as to copy to disk.


Many fires. Write ISO image files to multiple entries at once.

Copy CDs, DVDs, or Blu-ray Discs. Make original copies of your DVD video, audio CD or regular data discs.

Restore the file. Extract files from different sections, damaged discs, or extract audio clips from audio CDs.

Remove overwritten CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs. Supports fast and complete removal methods.


Fire-fly fire.

Limited installation size.

Easy to use, multilingual user interface.

Minimum CPU usage during fire and copying.

Supports all types of optical drives and recordings.

It uses a combustible engine faster and more consistently.

Supports all major audio and disk formats.

No banners, adware, spyware.

The software supports popular versions of Windows including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

BitTorrent client 13 0 Torrent vote


Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X pt-BR Setembro 2020 Torrent

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Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X pt-BR Setembro 2020

Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X



Architecture: x64

Idiom: pt-BR (Nativo)

BIOS: UEFI / Legacy

format: ISO / ESD

MD5: 7D0556FA2F701C6E6D53A6EFD99BC27F

======= REMOVIDO ======

teclados and tela touch



Cortana- pesquisa Funcionando


Inflammation -V

Screen protectors

Microsoft Edge

Metro applications

Onedrive – Poderar Ser Reinstalando Novamente

Microsoft Store – device design and management. OBS: You must be logged in to your Microsoft account to access the service

===== DESATIVADO ====


Animaes and Windows DESATIVADO

Sombra em Janelas and the course DESATIVADO

OBS: Instalao Automatica De Drivers Funcionando, aps Instalao Dos Desative Drivers Windows Windows Update drivers.

|| Evaluate installation and setup ||

==== INTEGRADO =====


Calculadora classica

Bloco de Notas

Visualized by Classico de Imagem

Microsoft Edge Chromium Installer is a toolbox for making windows

Microsoft Store – Device Design and Management

==== System facing Domsticon ====

Edio de Documentos has no office

Playback of video and audio devices

Navegao and the Internet

Microsoft’s store software is Funcionar

Original games without disconnect function

Microsoft Store.

Author: Gleison Lima

Windows 10 dark


:: NEWS :::::

Structure: 21H2

ISO conditions:

Architecture: x64

Crditos: Gleison Lima

Desktop disco: 10 GB


MD5: 044D77817EE15B2C5A445B6648DD0DBA

:::: EDIES :::::

Windows 10 black icons RED

Windows 10 dark icons W11

:::: Themes ::::


Giza supports the office.

White and dark


* O Its White sicic legal 2 with Edio command in Windows 11

::::: OBS ::::::::

O NEED are important offline, not inventory auditing

if you have CUSTOMIZADA ESTVEL like all other components and drivers.

support for new developments in the future of Hujenga.

Refresh windows break.

Just as functions diagnose due to use, use the same reason to use intermittent functions.

Telemetry and Privacy dasativadas

DESINSTALADOS Software Costs Calculadora Software –

There is no menu in the Microsoft Store and Windows UltraOS Paste

Presented by Maximo Expedition on Energy Power

Information, Bluetooth and Impressora Funcionando

Find Iniciar Clssicon in the menu.
Windows 10.20H2

Cando Ctrl + Shift + S is not a fun part, it is very useful because of the profile.

:::: INTEGRADO ::::



Iniciar Clssico menu

Novose window 11

Novos Windows Windows 11


Installing antivirus software

Install Windows Defender

Installer Kaspersky

Panda Instalador

Install Avast

Installation of Navegadores

Chrome installer

Install Firefox

Installer opera

Instalador Opera GX

Largest Instalador Edge

essenciais software

Instalador 7Zip

Install WinRAR


Microsoft Installation Store

Obstacle update.

BitTorrent client 40 4 Torrent vote
